Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Hey peoples,
TOMORROW IS THE DAY!! Are you guys ready??

Gentle reminder:
1. Tomorrow we will be waiting for you at Kinabalu Residential College (8th Residential College) start from 4.00pm until 6.00pm. 

2.  Here is the map to our registration place on 31 January 2013. 

3. Below are things have to bring on MBSS 2013.

A)Important Documents
Identity Card (I.C.)
Student ID
Proof of Payment (1 original copy and 2 photocopied)

Formal attire
Casual attire
Sports attire (Amazing race)
Long pants / track bottom
Sport shoes,slipper
Cocktail dress / Semi formal (Summit Banquet)

Water bottle
Stationery (pen and notebook)
Umbrella / Raincoat (Extremely important. It may rain, or may come in handy on sunny days)
Mosquito coils/mosquito repellent
* Personal Medicine

* Laptops and valuable things are not encouraged to bring.

See you!!!! ;)

Sunday, 27 January 2013

We are on the BH VARSITI !

We are on the Berita Harian VARSITI!! Give us a like if you saw this!! See you soon!! XD

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Top 3 Reasons to Attend MBSS 2013

1. Great Opportunity to Meet Up With Awesome People! 

MBSS 2013 provides opportunity for participants to engage in priceless interaction with the speakers themselves. The amazing stories shared could inspire the young hearts!

2. Enlarge Your Network! 

The participants of MBSS 2013 come from Malaysia and Southeast Asia countries. This summit provides a great opportunity for all the participants to enlarge their network within the business community. They might be your future business partner! 

3. Experience That You Don’t Want to Miss! 

The awesome yet exciting programs arranged will sure be the unforgettable moment in your life. Be immersed in the thrilling amazing race around Kuala Lumpur, get connected with awesome people that you would not have imagined meeting in person, and to ignite the spark in yourself. MBSS 2013 will be the brightest milestone of your successful future!

Friday, 18 January 2013


Networking is both the blood and vessels that keep business going all the time. In fact. it is the game changer that separate the likely contenders from the also-ran.

The multi façade of the most fluid world of business required its participants to acquire the most relevant skills at the earliest possible. Recognising that, Turning Green now explore the merits behind the Malaysian Business Student Summit (MBSS) 2013 organised by the University of Malaya Business Club. This is the event of the year for all students of business to get a head start before they embark on the real thing.

Investing 4 days and 3 nights of your precious time, your ROI comes in the form of valuable sharing by the business icons, the learning from the Case Study Challenge, the “Amazing Race”, the interaction from the Panel Forum, the situational experience in the Capital Game and the acquaintance of the Summit Banquet etc.

If you have RM90 to spare and free from 31 January 2013 to 3 February 2013, just check out or and decide whether you click with the theme of “Connecting People of Today, Creating People of Tomorrow”.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013!!!!

The New Year is the time of unfolding horizons and the realization of dreams, may you rediscover new strength and garner faith with you, and be able to rejoice in the simple pleasures that life has to offer and put a brave front for all the challenges that may come your way. Hope this year will be the year when all your dreams come true. Happy New Year 2013.