Friday 23 March 2012

Keynote Speaker 2

Roslan's best qualities can be described by his most irritating nature, i.e. he asks too many questions. He strives on learning new things, further enhancing his existing knowledge base. Roslan is not ashamed to make mistakes and admits it so that he learns and does not make the same mistake again. He excels in learning and imparting the knowledge he obtains.

The experience he has gained over the last 14 years has been exponentially growing in his plight to be an entrepreneur.With four start-ups under his belt, his objective in life is to be playing a role in the development of human capital through entrepreneurship and contributing back to society and country.

His previous role as the Director of Technopreneur and Enterprise Development in the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) has him playing a role in the development of the Innovation – SME paper that was presented as part of the National Innovation Model in the National Innovation Council in 2007, to name a few of many achievements in his tenure in MDeC. He also initiated and implemented many new programs to encourage, inculcate and scale new technopreneur and innovation programs in Universities and several constituents in Malaysia.

Still young at heart, Roslan is now the Chairman of myHarapan, where he leads the organization’s vision and serves as the chief advocator for youth development in Malaysia.

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