Saturday 17 November 2012

MBSS 2013 is COMING!!!

MBSS is the acronym of Malaysian Business Student Summit

MBSS 2013 is a 4 day’s 3 night’s summit which gather various business field student from all around the country together with Business Leaders in Malaysia.

Throughout the 4 days 3 nights summit, there will be a lot of interesting yet beneficial activities for the participants. E.g. talk by Keynote Speaker, Case Study Challenge, Amazing Race, Panel Forum, Capital Game, Summit Banquet and etc. (Activities stated are subject to changes)

MBSS serves as a platform to effectively connect business students and also business leaders in Malaysia as well as in Southeast Asia.


1. To facilitate and encourage interactions between business undergraduates throughout Malaysia as well as Southeast Asia while building a stronger network within the business related community.
2. To equip undergraduates with the required skills and knowledge to be able to rise to challenges and thrive in the field of business.
3. To serve as an avenue for the personal development of the students who are organizing and participating in this prestigious event.

Objectives of MBSS:

1. To provide Malaysia as well as Southeast Asia’s business students with insights into business professions.
2. To serve as a networking platform between business students and business leaders in Malaysia as well as Southeast Asia.
3. To equip business students with soft skills that is necessary in the real business world.

31st January 2013 to 3rd February 2013
(Thursday to Sunday)
**Mark this date on your calender :)

Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Who should participate? Are you the one?
Student who are currently pursuing his/her bachelor degree in various business field (Business administration, Management, Finance, Economics, International Business, Marketing, Human Resources and Etc.)

Limited to 200 participants only.

How much is the fee?
Every participant need to pay RM90 which covers all the meals within event days, t-shirts and the accommodation.

So, stay tuned and hope to see you during MBSS 2013!! =)


  1. Is the application still open ? Whom should i pay to ?

  2. The registration for MBSS 2013 is still open.
    you can register online by clicking the "register" at our blogspot and fill up the online register form.
    About the fee, u can either pay by cash or by online banking. After u submit your register form, we will send you an email about how to make the payment.
    Thank you.
